Learn More About Legal Separation in Utah
In Utah, separated parties may obtain necessary domestic orders without divorcing. Legal Separation in Utah allows the parties to separate and define issues related to their family, but still stay married. Often, parties choose separate maintenance or legal separation over divorce in Utah because of religious opposition to divorce, or so a dependent spouse may continue to receive marital benefits such as insurance, inheritance, etc.
An action for Separate Maintenance (“Legal Separation”) may be brought under the following circumstances:
- A spouse is deserted without good and sufficient cause.
- A spouse refuses to provide for the other when they have the ability to do so.
- A spouse has property in this state and deserts or neglects the other.
- When the parties live separate from each other.
- If a spouse is imprisoned for more than a year and does not provide for the other.
Legal Separation Forms
The Utah Courts provide information on temporary separation but do not have good self help resources for Legal Separation Forms. Therefore, it makes sense to hire a Salt Lake City Divorce Attorney to ensure a separation agreement is done right. If you and your spouse have agreed to separate and would like to file for separate maintenance orders, contact a divorce and family law attorney at our office today. We can represent you in protecting your rights in your separated marital relationship. Our Utah family lawyers can draft the necessary paperwork and settlement agreement to ensure that your rights are protected.
Call One of Our Attorneys
We can be reached anytime by calling or texting 801.413.1753 or by email. We can help you achieve legal separation in a timely matter and will help you understand all of the consequences and implications of your new marital status. Give us a call anytime to set up a consultation with an attorney via phone, video, or in person.