Utah Alcohol Restricted Driver

Are you a Utah Alcohol Restricted Driver?

Driving With Alcohol Restrictions

If you are a Utah alcohol restricted driver, call Salcido Law Firm.
Charged with ARD?

A DUI in Utah has many potential negative consequences such as having to drive with an interlock ignition device, possible jail time, and significant fines.  Another consequence is that you will automatically become a Utah alcohol restricted driver. This means that you are prohibited from driving if you have any measurable amount of alcohol in your body. It is not difficult to have a measurable amount of alcohol in your body. You can basically smell a beer and get a measurable amount in your system…well that may not be true but the point is, it doesn’t take a lot to show positive on a breath test.

You can also become a Utah alcohol restricted driver if you failed to use an interlock device when ordered to do so or if you have been convicted of impaired driving, which is considered a reduction from a DUI.

We’ll Educate You

A lot of people do not even know that they are a Utah alcohol restricted driver. We work hard to make sure that all of our clients know the consequences of a DUI or impaired driving conviction. That is one of the many reasons to hire Salcido Law Firm and never go to court alone. You’ll be able to make an educated decision on how to proceed with your case by having competent legal counsel in your corner like the Utah criminal defense attorneys are our firm.

Consequences of Violating Your Alcohol Restricted Status

If you are convicted of violating your alcohol restricted status you are looking at similar consequences to a first time DUI, that is, fine, possible jail time, and having to install an ignition interlock device on your car.

If you have been charged with violating your alcohol restricted status call us for a consultation and protect yourself against the many potential penalties associated with such charges.  801.413.1753.

The Utah Department of Public Safety provides information on its website concerning what is a Utah alcohol restricted driver. Click here to visit their page and find out more about ARD rules and regulations.