
Client Login (Clio)

Stay Connected to Your Case

To access your account with Salcido Law Firm click here and enter your username and password.

At Salcido Law Firm we strive to utilize current technologies to make our practice more efficient and ultimately provide you, our clients, with a better experience. One of the ways we do this is through the use of an online legal software called Clio.

Clio allows our clients to login to a secure network where they can access the documents in their case such as police reports, discovery, divorce petitions, and other documentation that has been prepared by our attorneys or received from the opposing party in the matter.

Clients may also use Clio to upload documents, message their attorney, or view their bill.

Once you sign up with us you will receive an email stating that an account has been created at clio for you to be able to access your documents. Using your email address and the password provided you can log into your account, change your password, and access your documents.

As we work on your case we will connect you to any new documents we receive on your case and you will receive an email with a link so you can review that document. If you are confused about any of the documents in your case we invite you to email us and we will quickly respond to your question and concerns. We spend a large amount of time in court or en route to or from court so it may be difficult to get ahold of us by phone but we constantly stay up on our emails and will respond to your email as quick as possible.